Category Archives: History

Advent Calendar

Just 21 days until Christmas Eve 🙂 advent calendar

Children here usually have an advent calendar to count down the days. You can get them in all kinds of variations…pictures, toys, sweets…

We have found an interesting one on the Internet, provided by ‘German Missions in the United States’.

If you follow this link,   you will get some information about Christmas traditions in Germany every day. 🙂

Have you got an advent calendar? If yes, what is it like?


Posted by on December 3, 2012 in Festivals, Fun, Germany, History, Songs


Learn a little bit more about Aberdeen!

If you have a look at you will learn a lot about Aberdeen’s history.

1 Comment

Posted by on November 28, 2012 in History, Scotland


Talking about our activities at the seaside in september 2012 ( …)

For info: 

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We went to visit a Neolithic grave or Cairn , not far from where we stayed at. It is very, very old. It was built 4500 years Before Christ, older than the pyramids of Egypt. Very, very impressive 🙂 A Cairn is a covered series of dolmen ( graves) also called a tumulus. People were buried there, then.

The guide showed us the tools used by the people of the “New Stone Age”: the polished axe to cut down trees to create a space, some land to farm.

I was very , very impressed. Billions and billions of stones around 🙂

by Dorine 🙂 + teacher

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Posted by on October 13, 2012 in activity, France, History